Coatings Corner

Introducing MPI’s New Industry Blog – “Coatings Corner”

Written by Lucy Schneider | Aug 12, 2024 3:12:37 AM

Our vision for Coatings Corner is creating a community hub for the Industry to share relevant and valuable thoughts, real-world experiences and stories, and innovations relating to coatings and the coatings industry 

A blog for the industry, written by the industry. 
Through our many services, we at MPI are in contact with many different segments of the coatings Industry, and have the unique perspective to see a need to help bridge the communication gaps With Coatings Corner, we aspire to  unite the industry through discussions and idea sharing that will help to drive progress and assure a quality future  

Thanks to our MPI Certified Inspectors, we have some initial blog posts lined up.  

However, for Coatings Corner to be a success, we will need YOUR input and input from ALL areas of the industry.  

Who do we want to hear from?

Paint manufacturers, specifiers, architects, contractors, asset owners, facility managers, material manufacturers/suppliers, application equipment manufacturers, other industry associations, or any other individuals or organizations who can provide relevant information. 

What does your input look like? 

Submitting content - Is there a new trend, product, process improvement, or other relevant content that you believe everyone should be informed about, or maybe you would like to share your vast industry knowledge and best practices?  MPI is providing just the space for you to do that in Coatings Corner.

Suggesting content - Is there a topic that you feel would benefit or inform the industry? Topic and content suggestions are always welcome for Coatings Corner.

Reading and interaction - If you agree, don’t agree, or have more information to add, then head over to the comments section on the shared blog posts to get the discussion going. Discussion may inspire more ideas or provide alternate perspectives.  Be respectful of each others’ input.  This is not an area for overly negative commentary, bickering or spam.  MPI will monitor interactions and intervene if necessary. 

Sharing - If you believe the information contained within the new blog posts resonated well with you or one of your co-workers or peers would benefit  from it, then share it!  The more active and well-informed everyone is, the better our industry will grow.  

Let’s work together to get Coatings Corner out there and more people involved! 

We ultimately want the blog content for Coatings Corner to be shaped by you. To help generate ideas for submissions, here are a few focus point suggestions:

  • Quality assurance
  • Standards in the coatings industry
  • Economic impacts
  • Supply chain issues
  • New application technology
  • Product innovations
  • Equipment Techniques
  • Material/substrate topics
  • Green/Low VOC
  • Net zero carbon

To submit content or suggestions, please use the contact form, or reach out to me directly at



Author Name: Lucy Schneider

Company: MPI

Title: Director, Operations MPI

About the Author:

Lucy Schneider is the Director of Operations for MPI, and has been with the company for the past 10 years. She has vast experience providing standard guidance and assuring quality in the construction and coatings industry.

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