AMPP India Chapter (formerly NACE International India Section) organized three educational training programs on “Fundamentals of Cathodic Protection System” on 30 & 31 March, 03 & 04 April and 05 & 06 April 2023, for Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd (ONGC-MRPL), Mangalore Refinery, Kuthethur, Mangalore. Eighty-Five (85) MRPL officers attended three batches of training programs.
Batch 1
Batch 2

Batch 3
AMPP India Chapter provides an excellent opportunity for exchanging knowledge and information on matters concerning corrosion problems and solutions through educational training programs. The training program started with a welcome address by Mr. C Rajesh Kumar, General Manager (Electrical), Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd.
Mr. Manoj Mishra, Manager Admin of AMPP India Chapter welcomed all the dignitaries and participants, introduced the faculty members and briefed them about the AMPP, AMPP India Chapter and AMPP membership, technical committees, benefits of certification courses, educational training programs and annual technical event on corrosion conference (CorCon) and Corrosion Combat.
The faculty members for this training program were Mr. Pankaj Panchal, Director-Corrosion Protection Specialist Pvt Ltd (NACE CP-4 Certified), Mr. K Shashidhar, SSS Engineers (NACE CP-3 Certified) and Mr. Anshul Jain, Dehn India (NACE CP-3 Certified).

Faculty Team Members
Mr. Pankaj Panchal highlighted various aspects of the training program specially made to properly understand the technical aspects of the fundamentals of corrosion and cathodic protection system on a variety of structures for the industries. It is designed to give participants a basic path for continued professional development and awareness of quality work for the industries. The program is benefited to the personnel i.e., Engineers work for Quality Control, Production, Technician, Inspection & Maintenance, Operation Dept. Electrical, Mechanical and Chemicals.
Mr. K Shashidhar and Mr. Anshul Jain during the lectures along with practical training highlighted Cathodic Protection for the benefits in day-to-day work and help in quality works for own organization (refinery, pipeline, inspection, and maintenance to aware and enhance the knowledge of requirements/ procedures and repair, construction, maintenance and quality control).
Mr. K Shashidhar gave a lecture with demonstrations
Mr. Anshul Jain gave a demonstration
The participants gained both theoretical and practical aspects through the lectures, followed by an interactive session of questions and answers with practical training on the following topics:
- Basic Pipeline Corrosion and Prevention
- Fundamentals of Cathodic Protection Systems
- Cathodic Protection System - Galvanic Anode & Impressed Current
- Design Aspects and Features of Cathodic Protection
- Understanding Cathodic Protection Concepts with classroom demonstration – I & II
- Cathodic Protection Test / Measurements / Surveys with classroom demonstration – I & II
- Corrosion in Tank Bottom Plates, LPG Mounded Storage vessels and Plant Piping
- AC Corrosion Modelling, Assumptions, Results and Case Study
- Case Study – AC Interference
Excellent feedback was received from the participants on how each lecture and practical were organized and delivered.
Mr. Manoj Mishra expressed a vote of thanks and distributed T-Shirts to all the participants, dignitaries and faculty members end of the session with group photographs.
Mr. Pankaj Kr. Neeraj, Manager (Electrical), & Training Coordinator, Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd during valedictory function and motivating closing ceremony, address to team members, participants of MRPL and faculty members of AMPP India Chapter for this training program.
Participants in the classroom