We are AMPP Japan Chapter.

    July 1, 2022 EAPA Newsletters

    Our mission is
    to cover not only former NACE, but also former SSPC
    to cover not only the coating field but also the cathodic protection field

    Our members are:
    A. Ryoji MATSUDA, Chair, Cathodic Protection Field
    B. Shigeo FUKUDA, Vice-Chair, Webmaster Activity Chair, Coating Field
    C. Satoru YAMAMOTO, Treasurer, Cathodic Protection Field
    D. Takehiko SHIMADA, Secretary, Coating Field
    E. Kenji KUROSAWA, Education Activity Chair, Coating Field
    F. Isao ITO, Membership Activity Chair, Coating Field
    G. Koji YAMAMOTO, Member-At-Large, Coating Field
    H. Toyoji TAKEUCHI, Adviser, Coating Field
    I. Atsushi TSURUMI, Education Activity Vice-Chair, Coating Field
    J. Miwa HAMADA, Office Staff
    K. Yuko MOTOYOSHI, Office Staff (No photo)

    Screenshot 2022-06-28 185940 Screenshot 2022-06-28 190007


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