Protect & Perform

What does corrosion management have to do with sustainability?

Written by Corrosion CONTROLLED, Corrosion Management  | Mar 8, 2021 10:14:25 PM

In most organizations, management typically understands that they are responsible for conformance to regulations, industry standards, organization specifications and the ability of company assets to perform their

intended function on a sustained basis in a safe and environmentally sound manner.

What might not be so apparent or even considered as part of this list by business is corrosion management. A 2016 NACE International study examined the current role of corrosion management in industry and government. A significant finding of the study was that the use of corrosion management throughout total asset life cycle and its integration into an organization’s management system leads to sustainability.

A presentation by NACE International at the European Corrosion Management Conference in November 2020 spoke to the importance of corrosion management as an integral, key part of sustainable business practices. In it, are a series of questions to help illustrate the importance of this connection within organizations.

Additionally, it provides insights into how organizations can determine how well they are doing with respect to corrosion management and, how to identify gaps in processes that could lead to reduced lifecycle of assets – benchmarking tools that are available to help create a roadmap for a corrosion management program that ties to corporate sustainability goals.

Presentation: from the NACE International Institute


Get assistance with changing how corrosion control decisions are made in your organization. Learn about IMPACT PLUS®, an innovative product developed in response to the NACE IMPACT Study and the challenges faced by industry in putting a CMS into a management context.




White Paper: An Action Plan for Reducing Pipeline Failures, Costs with Corrosion in the Water Sector

Special Report: The Future of Corrosion Control, Insights from the Experts