Protect & Perform

Remote cathodic protection monitoring proves invaluable during COVID 19

Written by Corrosion CONTROLLED, Corrosion Essentials, CP | Sep 15, 2020 6:07:36 PM

Cathodic Protection (CP) is a common technique used to control the corrosion of a metal surface by making it the cathode of an electrochemical cell. It can be accomplished by sending a current into the structure from an external electrode and polarizing the metallic surface in an electronegative direction. This provides protection to the surface and extends the life of the asset. For CP to be an effective corrosion management tool, it requires testing, surveys, and data collection.

What was seen as a trend shaping the cathodic protection industry, remote monitoring is now viewed with an urgency by operators of critical infrastructure who are under tremendous pressure from the completely unexpected challenges of COVID 19.

Remote monitoring helps in addressing ever-evolving communications technologies and increasing regulation, ongoing changes in workforce dynamics and the over-abundance of data. And, as operators and asset owners deal with forced COVID 19 travel restrictions on technicians and contractors who would normally be in the thick of surveys, it adds “safety” to its list of benefits.

The following podcast looks at remote CP monitoring technologies for corrosion detection and how they are more important than ever in reducing risk to assets stranded due to unforeseen changes in communications technologies.


A provider of cathodic protection monitoring for corrosion detection shares lessons learned from the pandemic and how remote monitoring technologies are providing more data, increasing reliability, and improving safety.


NACE’’s Cathodic Protection Educational Program is the only one of its kind and an industry standard. Learn the theoretical and the practical fundamentals.

Source:  Materials Performance Podcast; Marc Bracken, CEO and Will Maize, Product Manager, Mobiltex.



White Paper: An Action Plan for Reducing Pipeline Failures, Costs with Corrosion in the Water Sector

Special Report: The Future of Corrosion Control, Insights from the Experts